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Psalms for the Soul

What’s your mantra?

Such a common phrase in this modern era!

We learn that mantras are helpful for growing our mindset and lives in a positive way . . . but where exactly did the word mantra come from and is it a good Christian discipline to cultivate and utilize mantras?

Take advantage of this complimentary mini course to learn how you can take your relationship with the Lord to a deeper and richer level by ditching the mantras of the Lord and writing psalms together with Him.

If you love this course as much as I know you will, please share this link with your friends!

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📂Download your FREE Psalms for the Soul Workbook Here

Print this workbook and follow along. I can't wait to see what the Lord reveals to you!

👉What's Next?

Thank you for completing this mini course.  I know your relationship with Jesus has been enriched because of it!

The road cannot stop here though.  We must continue to press forward everyday on our journey to wellness and righteousness in relationship with Him.   This next module has the keys. 

Keep reading.

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Erin Kay Coaching programs is for individuals with sound mental health. If you have mental health issues, consult your mental health physician engaging with the content.  You should immediately stop consuming program content if any significant mental, emotional, physical or spiritual issues arise and seek the appropriate medical attention.

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