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The Well Society Intensive - Cohort 4 (Begins September, 2023)

7 Topics

The Good Steward Wheel

When's the last time you took inventory of how things are going in specific areas of your life like your fun factor and walk with Christ?  In this exercise, we will reflect on 8 specific areas (like health, fun, finances and relationships) of your life to see how things are functioning and make a plan to increase satisfaction in these areas over a period of 30 days. 

The Core of the Matter {Discovering your core values and mission}

When we truly understand and are in alignment with the hierarchy of our values, we can more clearly see the direction the Lord wants for us, be stronger stewards of our gifts and talents while also eliminating self doubt, frustrations and always saying yes (and often not knowing why we keep saying yes).

This mini course is designed to help you break away from the constant yes cycle and fully understand what makes you feel invigorated and energized.  This will occur through an organized approach to identifying and learning more about your core values and through creation of a mission statement for your life.

Peace Like a River in Relationships

Through this program, I am going to show you that you have a choice not to stay in the a spiral of toxic or unhealthy relationships (boundaries) with others, your habits (think food, self-care and rest) and yourself. We have a choice to bathe in the forgiveness of Christ and implement simple, Kingdom focused shifts to break these habits of relational destruction.

Come along this journey with me and I lead you to the path of peace like a river in your relationships.

Get ready to dial in and change your relationships for the better!

Sabbath, Self-Care & Sustainability

Rest is mentioned 257 times in the Bible.

Sabbath is mentioned 172 times.

Endurance is mentioned 40 times.

There is a reason we see these themes in scripture nearly 500 times.  It's because they are important to the Lord and our lives and they are concepts we have a really hard time implementing.  We need to hear them over and over again.

In this module we will walk through what biblical rest looks like, how to create a sacred time of Sabbath and how to sustain it all when life gets hairy.

Biblical Richness - Managing Money Mindset

In this module I will teach you what wealth means in the Bible and how you can learn to live your live in accordance with those riches. *SPOILER ALERT* It's not all about the money!

We will be breaking down faulty thinking with money and learning where your beliefs about money came from, how they are helping you and how they are hurting you.

We will work together to define what biblical richness mans for you and how to do well with the finances and other areas of wealth the Lord has provided for you.

The Next Decade

Experiencing the joy of living out the scripture "I have plans for you, plans to prosper you and not harm you" from Jeremiah is available to you.  The Lord would love to have you ask him to help you map out what the next 10 years can look like for you.

We will conclude this intensive with plans of wisdom, not folly and map out the next ten years of your life.  We will co-labor with the Lord to provide a blueprint for success in all areas of your life.

Topics for this program 7
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 Pay In Full Option - Early Bird
 $ 2,200.00 USD
 4 Month Payment Plan
 $ 600.00 USD  ( then $600.00 USD for 3 months )

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Erin Kay Coaching programs is for individuals with sound mental health. If you have mental health issues, consult your mental health physician engaging with the content.  You should immediately stop consuming program content if any significant mental, emotional, physical or spiritual issues arise and seek the appropriate medical attention.

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